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I Forge Iron


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Posts posted by becabwca

  1. oh thank you, all of you, for your ideas & thoughts, i think i will hold out for a decent 2nd hand one, & once i get going design one according to likes/dislikes & hopefully make it myself, one day....

    yeah-my throat thing started towards the end of my training at hereford...seems to have been a cumulative thing & now i cant even be in a room with a coal fire (in various houses!) without some sort of effect. really annoying!

    I havent been doing a whole lot of forging (ie; none!) recently due to young family, but now they are a bit older i am desperate to get going again!
    I think once im back in it i will have more confidence in building one myself...hopefully!

    thanks again, I'll let you know what I end up with!


  2. Hi

    someone has told me to watch out for tax/customs adding a load more when buying from USA, does anyone know of this?!

    Ive a second reason for wanting a gas forge-I have developed a kind of intolerance/allergy to coke fumes, get a very sore, swollen throat & cant speak/swallow etc!
    so a gas forge s the way to go, charcoal will be a bit too expensive it think!

    im in south east wales, not too far from holme lacy college, where i trained, was thinking of asking them to build one!

    i must update my profile!

    thanks alot, still thinking!


  3. HI

    -Beth-mainly due to cost; i recently won a prize & had sworn i would spend it on a gas forge if i did! but its still not enough to cover a basic swan & i would like at least 2 doors, & 3doors looks brilliant! although i think a draw-bridge type opening would be better.

    I know i should build one, but im really, really busy-2 young kids, i work part time & just dont have the time....the most time i get to forge/work at the mo is 2 hours so I need to be able to just turn it on & go-a firebrick one would take constant re-building i fear: lots of 'sticky-out bits' are bound to catch the bricks & rearranging them hot wouldnt be fun, & they also look a bit in-efficient!

    seems mad-the USA is much more liable-mad than us, but they dont seem to care about dangerous things like forges & foundries!
    there is this one other company with gas forges for sale in the uk:


    but its still more than the diamondback, with p&p, ~& not so flexible....

    a stainless steel one went on ebay a few months ago for over £300...it looked 'workshop made' but i cant find anything like it anywhere.....wish i had bid more now!

    ill keep looking a little longer!


  4. hi

    i am an artist blacksmith, & after 3 years of planning to but never actually building a gas forge, i have decided to bite the billet ~& buy one....cannot believe no-one is making them over here!
    there are loads in america!

    so now i am looking at diamondback forges metalsmith forge:

    which is much more than i want to spend, but i seem to have no other option, unless someone experienced would be willing to build me one?!!
    in return for payment of course.....and i would sign any disclaimer, or you could leave it unfinished or something....a flat-pack forge!

    or does anyone know where i may get a good one it the uk? i mean not a swan one & not for shed loads of money....



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