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I Forge Iron


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Posts posted by Weldalot

  1. Well you're both not far out but done from scratch, everything cut for this one. I built the frame on Saturday morning, cut and added the wing feathers and filled in the frame to attach feathers and made and attached the talons. 6 hours
    Monday cut all feathers and attached and formed beak. Made and fixed grass snake Made mounting 4 hours

    This one going out for £1600 so real good profit if you can sell them . Im keeping my day job though.......

  2. I made this sculpture as a touch lamp, the construction technique is bit different something I thought up almost by accident, its just lots of little scrap pieces of 20ga cut very jagged and tack welded togheter with an intentional gap beteen. Makes for an interesting effect, and its not actually very difficult to do, could make any shape any size without it getting any harder to do,

    That tree stump is fantastic... I make birds from steel and am just about to start doing a tree as a perch and so glad I looked at yours...perfect. Simple and so effective. mine would have ended up to complicated. Really love yours ...Great

  3. Wow ! Love the effect of the feathers. Is it all made from mild steel and what have you put on to protect it ? Rather like the colours in it now. Fabulous !

    Yes it just 1mm mild steel and feathers individually cut with the plasma and welded on. Once finished I either let them rust a while or like this one leave it and spray it with Waxoil which darkens it slightly but keeps it "fresh"

  4. thats a beautiful piece of work, plenty of patients there,....how much time you have into it ?

    Thanks, this is just one of many of my birds of prey, ive become a bit obsessed with making them. This one took about 300 hours including the fish. Im on with a Kestrel at the moment and hope to have it finished this week. They are a labour of love
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