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I Forge Iron


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Posts posted by chilipenguin

  1. Hi all,

    I'm new to the forums and am just starting to organise building a brake drum forge but I'm having a bit of trouble locating the pipe work needed for the air flow. Some of the guides I have seen suggest a 2 inch steel flange, t-pipe and nipples (snigger) but the major hardware places here in the UK only seem to carry plastic or copper. Any suggestions as to where this stuff can be located or are there alternatives?


  2. Hi all,

    I'm new to the forums and am just starting to organise building a brake drum forge but I'm having a bit of trouble locating the pipe work needed for the air flow. Some of the guides I have seen suggest a 2 inch steel flange, t-pipe and nipples (snigger) but the major hardware places here in the UK only seem to carry plastic or copper. Any suggestions as to where this stuff can be located or are there alternatives?


  3. Nice to meet you all.

    @macbruce - Haggis with chilli? Now there's an interesting thought, though boiled innards shouldn't really meet a vegetable.
    @colleen - The Ratho forge was the one I was aware of. I haven't been able to go along yet and can't afford one of the taster days until the summer.

    I think between now and then I'm going to focus on trying to construct my own forge to give me something to aim for.

  4. Hi there,

    I've been lurking around the forums for a while and have been absolutely blown away by some of the talent that frequents this place.

    I've been thinking a lot about getting into smithing for a while now and having been doing some reading around the subject online, stumbled across the forums. I can honestly say that reading the walkthroughs, guides, tips etc on here has tipped the scales and I know now that I want jump into things.

    There is at least one forge in my neck of the woods that offers trial days but does anyone have any clue as to any groups or clubs that operate in central Scotland (bit of a longshot I know as most of you all seem to hail from the states).

    Anyway, I look forward to speaking and learning from you all and hopefully in the not too distant future having something to show myself.

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