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I Forge Iron


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Posts posted by Lolbob

  1. Thank you guys. I think I understand a little better now what I'm getting into. Ted T, I agree anything I spend that much money on I want to see in person, try it out, and negotiate with the seller first hand-like buying a car. Here's a link to the Emerson in question: http://denver.craigslist.org/grd/2962027459.html I wonder if the owner of the Emerson got one that had a soft face, and that was why he had to have it resurfaced so early?

    I'm still chasing the Colmbia, but not getting any response from the owner. Either way I'll keep my options open as I still need an anvil-this semi-flat rock I found isn't the greatest.

  2. Hey guys and gals, I'm looking at buying a 150 lb Emerson anvil. I've heard a bit about them being good anvils, but have nothing to judge that by. I've found one near me that a seller claims has a resurfaced face, is that a good or bad thing when the anvil is only 10 years old? Does resurfacing the face ruin the temper? Why would the face need to be resurfaced so early in the anvil's lifetime? The rest of the anvil looks to be in great shape from the pictures he posted. Lastly is $650 good for this sort of anvil? I just don't want to get burned on this sort of thing so thanks for taking the time to comment.

  3. Hey yall. I just joined the forums, and am interested in blacksmithing both for decorative things as well as blades. I live in the Colorado area and really have no prior experience with this sort of thing, but I do like to get my hands dirty and work on projects.

    I've managed to construct a rudimentary forge, and am looking for an anvil. I'll make a separate post about that in the proper forum.

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