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I Forge Iron


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Posts posted by 05corbca

  1. Hi everyone,

    I have to talk about Roman hammer marks on iron in my coursework.

    I have to talk about what Roman iron which was worked with a hammer felt like and how it was worked.

    Is there anyone out there who could tell me anything about what worked Roman iron work feels like and what texture it has, especially with hammer marks?

    Many thanks!

  2. Thanks for all the info guys! Beth, I am extremely chuffed!! No one else would have been able to whip that up in the time that I had left to do it so couldn't thank Dave enough! Thank you! I have shown all my family and friends and they love it! Just got to put it on now, which I'm doing tomorrow and will update you on how that goes! I know you weren't happy with it but with the such short notice and the materials you had to hand I think it is perfect! I got some weird looks on the train though!! :blink: Thanks again for all the information, will be very helpful in my coursework and thanks again Dave for whipping this up for me! :D

  3. Dear Wesley Chambers,

    Thanks for replying. Basically the farrier knows what he is doing but the blacksmith who is actually reconstructing them with me wants the info. I am doing it for my A2 archaeology coursework as I have to do a form of experimental archaeology. I am trying to establish what was their purpose. As many people have said they are not practical enough to be worn of the hoof of a horse I myself am going to make one and see if if they are/are not. Hope this helped your question!

  4. Hi everyone,

    Thank you very much for all your comments, much appreciated!!

    Will definately give Frank Turley a go! Thanks!

    Bigfootnampa I do agree with you about actually putting this on a horse, it could be quite dangerous so thanks!

    Hi Peyton, I can 100% assure you that I am real!! : P I am genuinely trying to get as much information as possible about this as I have to reconstruct these tomorrow.

    I thought if I do loads of different forums then I will hopefully get lots of different replies!

    Please do send me emails if you have any info/pictures!! This is real! I promise!! : D

    Thanks again everyone, keep it rolling!! xx

  5. Hi everyone out there!!

    I need as MUCH help as I can get URGENTLY (for TOMORROW!!) about hippo sandals.

    A blacksmith is reconstructing these hipposandals with me tomorrow but I need to get as much information as possible about making them and putting them on.


    Has anyone out there reconstructed a hippo sandal before? and has any pictures?

    Any help/suggestions would be greatly appreciated! : )

    Many, many thanks,


    P.S if anyone does have any pictues please send them to my email address 05corbca@christs-hospital.org.uk

    Note: BBcode and smileys are still usable.

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