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I Forge Iron


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Posts posted by screwcity

  1. I looked for the introduction thread but couldn't find it.
    My name is Rio, I live in El Paso, TX
    I'm new to the board and also new to smithing.
    But not new to metal. I weld so I figure that they go hand in hand.

    Right now I'm just working on collecting some of the stuff so that I can play around with it on the weekends.

    the new score.... I may have found a couple of anvils at a devious .20 a pound.

    right now I'm just waiting for the refractory to dry in my new mini forge.
    I hope it works. I made it out of an 5 gallon oil can. It's going to be small but it ought to work just fine to heat some metal so I can bang on it.
    so I'm really excited.

    looking to learn as much as I can sounds like a really fun hobby.


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