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I Forge Iron


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Posts posted by medelmanart

  1. I'm in MD. I mix Val Oil with mineral spirits 50/50, then spray and usually get pretty good results. I did a ton of research tonight and the best I could do on val-oils ingrediants is found out it is a wiping oil and very possibly composed of spar varnish mixed with mineral spirits 1:1. Has anyone tried spar varnish or a mix like that?

  2. I went to my friendly Lowes today to order my annual case of Val Oil and heard from them that Valspar no longer makes it/has none left. Does anyone know exactly what Val Oil was (nmaybe I could mix my own)? Any suggestions on a new clear, outdoor finish (that can be sprayed too?). I've tried clear permalac before and found it to be 3x more $ than val oil and hold up 2/3 as long.

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