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I Forge Iron


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Posts posted by Celt

  1. And you are who, the anvil police? I'm sure for the right price you can rescue them all.

    And who are you to question my opinion? You don't like my opinion, tough xxxx bub.

    If I had the money, and knew where they were I'd seriously consider buying all of them just so they'd not be kept in such a disgraceful fashion. My opinions, and if you don't like them SIR that's too xxxx bad. Those old anvils as well as other blacksmithing tools represent history. Jmho, but history isn't something to be treated with blatant disrespect.

    Nor will I ever see it mistreated in such a fashion as those fine old pieces of history are being treated in those pictures without speaking my mind be it here, or elsewhere on, or offline.
  2. "With that said, I'd buy it in a New York minute for scrap price or so because they are one of the better mechanical hammers and worth restoring."

    I really appreciate any, and all advice at this point in the proceedings. One thing you stated Mr. Woolridge is what's been going through my mind, and that's why I guess a personal visit will be the only way I can resolve things. Because he wants a tad more than scrap price for it, and everything which has been brought up thus far makes me seriously question what he wants for it.

    If anyone else has the desire to add to this thread PLEASE do so.

    I don't want to let a good thing slip away, BUT I'm not interested in throwing my money away either.

  3. A individual is willing to sell one to me. It has no motor with it, he has never used it, and stated he knew nothing about any past history of the power hammer.

    It sat outside for xxxxx number of years before he bought it. For the past several years it's had a roof over it, but considering how long it sat outside exposed to the elements that seems immaterial to me.

    He told me he knew of no issues with the machine, but again that seems immaterial to me since he knows nothing about it previous to having purchased it, and still knows nothing about it since he's never used it.

    In short, how much MIGHT some of you consider this "pig in a poke" to be worth?

    Could anyone give me a few ideas of what could be wrong with the machine? Worst case scenarios are more than welcome.

    I've saw a few pictures of it, and anyone can tell it has been outdoors for a VERY long time. Any ideas, information, etc. are more than welcome via pm, or posted in this thread.

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