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I Forge Iron


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Posts posted by ironpyre

  1. I'm planning to do some backyard smithing this winter. What changes in metal properties from cold temperatures have you experienced. Anything a newbie may not be aware of? Are there safety issues that need addressed besides, of course, dressing for the weather. Thank you.

  2. I've been given the glorious task of cutting radiator cores for scrap at work. Since everything in the locomotive industry is super-sized, I've been cutting these monsters with a 12" sawsall blade. Quite grueling work, but it gets the job done. The cuts are generally through copper tubing and aluminun fins, which is pretty soft metal, however, there is lots of it.

    I'm gonna try a long handled cutting chisel for some of the hard to get section today.

    Has anyone ever done this before? Is there a more efficient or easier way? Thanks

  3. Neighbor came to me while I was working in the backyard and showed me a metal hook used to unlock the awning on his camper. It was mangled by a lawnmower.

    He asked if I could fix it, and added that he would pay me. I assessed the piece and found some heavier round stock and a scrap hammer handle to attached it to.

    I brought it to him a few hours later and he was thrilled to have this new tool.

    Anyway, it felt good to be paid for my services. Up to this point being a blacksmith has only served me for my tooling needs and a great hobby. My only advertising is the pinging of my anvil.

    Just thought I'd share the joy.

    Best Regards.

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