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I Forge Iron


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Posts posted by tom91

  1. Break it down into fixed costs, variable costs, forecast your revenues, forecast your cashflow, do a monthly breakeven anaylsis - do a SWOT analysis of yourself, the blacksmith, the market. You can massively reduce the risks of investment by knowing your numbers.

    Yup I know those business predictions fairly good.

    The problem is I'm only 20 and with no experience in real-life market I'm fairly scared about this and yet I believe that this person can be a really good and profitable worker.

    Anyones skills can be utilised to make money for them. You can make money off the back of anyones skills, in any industry, if YOU have the skill to do it.

    What I was afraid at first was if it was the right person the right market, its now time to research the market and prepare the costs =)

    Thanks for replays.
  2. Hi,

    I'm currently at a stage of doing a research because I've found a talented guy (A blacksmith with 20years of experience) who does an artistic blacksmiths (not sure how you call it). What I thought was that his skills can be utilized to make money.

    What he needs is a place and equipment to work which I can find for him the question is:
    Is investing into blacksmith a risky investment ?

    A few British websites says that the demand for blacksmiths is decreasing and their average waged are fairly questionable (£300-£550/week) which would hardly return invested money.

    What are your opinions in this industry (based in UK)?


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