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I Forge Iron


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Posts posted by anagram

  1. Thanks everyone for your expert views. Compared to what I was previously using this is a definite upgrade, but as a newbie I'm unsure which jobs would have been easier without the slot there. I guess what you've never had you don't miss. The idea of a repair is not completely dead in my mind, but I think it will be once I fully realise the damage I could do! I'll take Grant's advice and think of it as a feature, not a bug.

  2. I've got hold of a 1.5 cwt Brooks anvil on a cast iron stand so I'm kind-of happy. It has a nice flat face, good edges and a pleasing ring and bounce. I'm only "kind-of happy" because a previous owner has machined a 3-inch slot in its face. What was this for? I can only guess.

    It's still 77 kg or inertial mass and I can bash away on the rest of the face, but what do people think about this modification? Is it the shape of things to come, with great opportunities for punching, cutting and upsetting, or a wanton bit of vandalism that has trashed a classic? My own view is something between the two, but I'm only a learner and I'm trying to look on the bright side!

    Pics at


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