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I Forge Iron

Dee J

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Posts posted by Dee J

  1. Greetings all. I'm an amateur blacksmith based on the western edge of Dartmoor. I've got a small hand-cracked side-blast forge which I currently fuel with lumpwood charcoal. Typically forging small stock (8-15mm) into garden, household and tool items - just for our own use and amusement.


    I'm looking for other fuel options, both local bulk charcoal and coal or coke. What's available locally that any of you would recommend?





  2. Hi Tom
    a lot depends on your budget. £100 buys a lot of mild steel bar/rod/strip delivered from any of the mainstream steel stockholders.

    But if you're looking for just some bits and pieces... Back when I lived in Swindon I used to visit Haynes of Challow (near Farringdon, Oxfordshire) - a fascinating place. Out front it's a mix between hardware store/farm and garden store - but behind that there's sheds of furniture/ junk / surplus building materials and some bits and pieces of steel. Behind that there's a proper scrapyard - cars , old machinery etc. Go dressed to scavenge (and looking poor) and haggle/pay in cash. Bargains to be had.


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