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I Forge Iron


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Posts posted by onbohio

  1. No I have not built a forge yet, still in the investigative stage of all this. How will buying the steel tell me what I have? Why do you oil quench some steel and water quench another? So if I get a coil spring or file heat up just the tip and test it out?

    By the way I work in a pipe mill, I never even considered it before because somewhere in my memory someone told me the steel we use isn't very hard. Does that sound right? Never gave it much thought till now, but I guess that would be because we basically bend into a circle shape.

  2. Hey thanks for all the responses. I am from Girard, Ohio. It's near Youngstown. I may never get around to the swords if I'm no good with the knives. Just something I would like to try someday. I like mideval(sp) knives and swords, and would like to make some things that look a little "rough"/primitive.

    Heading to the profile page now.

  3. Hi. I am not a blacksmith, nor do I play one on tv. It is something I want to try. My question is what types of scrap would have the strongest steel? I did a search of the forum and found lots of suggestions about where to look, but not as many about the strength of the scrap.

    I saw suggestions for coil springs, sway bars, timing chains, and rr spikes. Out of these which one would be made of the strongest steel?

    I would like to start off with making knives, and swords eventually. So I guees I would need something strong/hard to hold an edge right?

    Also I was watching this video of a guy making a sword, and he started with all these like 3" pieces he welded together and heated up and the pounded out. Does this make the steel stronger than starting with a pc closer to the actual length of the blade?

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