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I Forge Iron


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Posts posted by monkey

  1. Hi ratel10mm
    I only need to build a shed/shelter, as my wife/family took over the only shed I had to use. but it want be flash. I have take your advice, and draged my gear into the back yard. heated up some steel and hammered it to deth. made a couple of hooks an a poker for the forge. not good looking but worked and my two youngest kids loved it. I will keep having a play
    thanks allan

  2. Hi everyone
    Ive Been hiding in the background for some time now. and reading heaps I had only now found this thread and thourgh I better say Hello
    My name is Allan and I live in Maryborough Vic. I have been interested in smithing since I was a kid.But never had the time/money/location/etc to make a start. have been reading alot about it, and have found one of my old teachers in town how wonts to teach me about it. draged out my graet grand dads anvil an forge out of the shed (Thanks Mum)and brought it home and have gathered some tools together. now I just need to make a workshop an learn how to Do it HaHa
    cheers Allan

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