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I Forge Iron


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Posts posted by St

  1. Good morning I am looking for a Blacksmithing seminar or a blacksmith with time on his hand that would bring my skills up to par so I can teach my metal fabrication students an blacksmithing introductory class. I am a High School metal fabrication teacher and i am looking to implement an introduction class to my grade 11 students. I teach in Calgary, Alberta, Canada.

    I would be available from July 17- August 20 2007. I don't mind to do a bit of traveling and to exchange my services (I can do various things from roofing, shingling, building and construction, etc.. ask and I will let you know if I can do it) for a chance to up my skills.

    It would be great if you could post this for me in your forum.

    You can contact me at these two e-mail


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