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I Forge Iron


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Posts posted by awemawson

  1. Yes I am a big supporter of electrolytic rust removal - it is simple and very effective, using no hard to find chemicals or equipment. All you need is a battery charger, some washing soda, and a plastic (or atleast non-conductive) container. Have a squint at:

    Rust removal FAQ

  2. Hi,

    I'm Andrew Mawson, from Bromley in Kent, just outside London in the UK. I've been dabbling in all things mechanical for the last 30 years or so with a well equipped home metalwork shop (lathe, mill, grinders etc), and have been tinkering with smithing for a while, having a coke forge. I'm in the process of trying to move to a place where I can set up a larger shop (it's just a hobby - not commercial), and at just the wrong time I have the opportunity to get my hands on a Goliath 60 lb powerhammer - this should wait until after the move but they don't come along every day - and I reckon 'grab em when they pass' !

    I found this forum in my search for background information on the Goliath, so if anyone knows links to information, things to look out for, setting up etc it would be much appreciated.


  3. Hard to tell for certain from the photo what the thing sticking out from the centre of the rotating arm is, BUT if conceiveably it could be a cutting tool, this could be a ball turning attachment for a round bed lathe like the Drummond:

    Drummond Lathes

    The clamp would hold the attachment on the bed with the 'tool' at approximately centre height, and the handle would rotate the tool in an arc whose radius is set by the tool projection. It doesn't matter in which plane the tool turns relative to the stock, it will describe a circle that will form a hemispere on the end of the work


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