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I Forge Iron


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Posts posted by ChaosForge

  1. wow,

    I am overwhelmed by the responses! thanks alot for the feedback.
    I am heading out to the shop right now to make some trivets and maybe finish my nail heading tool.

    what do you guys use for hardening blades/bits? my dad told me he uses motor oil, anyone use something else?

    thanks for the vids fieryfurnace.

    and you guys are right, I am so addicted to this craft that I hope to make it my sole source of income when the time comes.
    I am truly lucky to have found a resource of knowledgeable and friendly people. I was kind of in the dark there for a while!

  2. Thanks hicks.

    That does help. I guess i will start on a pair of bolt tongs in the morning!
    when you made tongs did you heat treat or harden the jaws or anything to maintain shape? the ones I made in the picture seem to re widen after a a couple hours of use.
    I was told motor oil is a good tool/blade hardening quench. any other house hold or easy to get a hold of things i should stock up on? tricks of the trade?


  3. Hello all,

    My name is Jacob Ferguson and I just made my very first forge. I am just starting out in the world of blacksmithing and would love some advice on anything you think would be helpful.
    My top concerns are as listed below if I could get some answers. thanks.

    1. did you make your set of tongs out of hot roll stock or spring steel, or just high carbon? whats the best material for tongs?
    2. best style of all around tongs? what should I make to encompass the most common needs?
    3. what style of hammer is your favorite all round use?
    4. anyone know of a source of blacksmithing tools/supplies in the state of washington? (western Washington)
    5. pros and cons of charcoal vs Coal fuel.

    I have been using charcoal for the last 3 days and have been getting sufficient tempature. and charcoal is 6 dollars per 19lbs so price isnt an issue at this point.

    Here are some pictures of my first makings. A curved knife with a reversed blade, and a pair of tongs. lastly my forge setup. what do you think?




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