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I Forge Iron


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Posts posted by BigCharlie

  1. What about this http://saginaw.craigslist.org/tls/2099651344.html
    What would be the best area on craigslist to look for your area? I will keep a sharp eye out for you!
    As look use the word farrier in your craigslist serch.... this will help you find tools of the trade also

    Mankel Blacksmith Shop
    Cannonsburg, MI 49317
    He has everything including a catologe

    Under blacksmith supplies
    Airco Welding
    Jackson, MI 49203
    This place has Blacksmith supplies
    Got to go now I have men breakfast at church


  2. Nemdoug: When you say "Northern Michigan"; do you mean the Upper Penninsula or Upper Lower Michigan ?

    I am from Green Bay. I have been watching Craigs List and haven't seen a real lot of stuff in the UP - occasionally something will pop up though. A nice looking portable forge not too long ago.
    There is a good coal supplier here in Green Bay if you need that.

    Nemdoug.... Like you I'm fresh out of the wrapper.... I looked in craigslist in my area (backwards hill country) and within 200 miles... I found an anvil 120 miles from home and I made a trip out of it with meeting a relative for lunch... what a great day we all had. keep looking they are out there. My cousin in-law who does this stuff in a big way said to sign up with the local ABANA chapter. this will help you get the word out. Ask everybody you know; you never know where this stuff will come from.... My daugther is studing meatl arts in college and found an Armish women with 5 barns of junk near her college with 5 of everything in the world in those barns... that is my next trip when I go to see her... Know where a farm and a barn is? Stop and ask the farmer if he knows anybody with an anvil to sell.... every barn has at least one anvil
    Have fun looking
  3. I have an anvil and the shop is starting to come together but what is the right heigth for an anvil... I'm a tall kind of guy at 6'7" and my daughter stands at 5' 4"... i know once I have this set up she will living out in the garage. So I will have to bend my legs up and work off my knees. so what would be a good heigth for her?
    Thanks for your help in advance,

  4. Wannabe.... No way buddy...That is some high class work of art!!!....I love the punched out birds... It reminds me of a work Albert Paley completed for his steel supplier Klein Steel in Rochester, N.Y.
    Albert had them cut all these animal shapes out of plates of steel which he used in a portal for a zoo... when klein steel said could he use the left over steel plates in a sculture for their home office.... Check it out, ( look up Albert Paley, klein steel sculpture)all these plates of steel welding in some kind of patern all painted industrial safety yellow. Your by -product is the opposite of his work and your work just looks GRAND... Do you take orders???

  5. All of your forks are so great looking!!I'm still setting up my forging area... I can't wait to start to learn how to make a fire but these ideas are just feeding my dreams....Seeing that wrench fork makes me think how an old rachet would look made into a fork... Charlie

  6. Hi everybody.
    I'm new to Blacksmithing. A couple of people have got me started with the idea of starting this new hobby. First My daughter is fourth year college student in a craft degree. This year she is loving her forging classes and is showing some talent for it. The next person is well known in the art world of metal forging and he is my cousin's husband. At this time I will only say he is known as the man of steel...He and I have had many talks in the last four years since my daughter has interest in metal forging and jewelry design. About two weeks I started looking for an anvil. My daughter wants a shop in the backyard and sunday afternoon I'm looking at a Fisher Norris anvil. Hopefully It will test out to be as good a deal as advertised. I'm looking forward to be part of this forum to learn as much as possible along the way. I will be starting a membership with the local ABANA grounp in my area and maybe the group in New Jersey.

    Thanks for your time

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