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Posts posted by dicksplint

  1. No offense taken and none given. Never said I didn’t like the video or its content. This is still America and I’d like to think we all have every right to post and comment within the rules of the forum whatever we chose however unpopular it may be to some. I think everyone’s reading way too much into what was said and taking it way too seriously. I know we are not going to solve any of the US problems here. I just wish we had a chance to survive and compete on a level playing field were all the same rules we impose on ourselves applied to everyone in an open and free market. There is no reward for hard work in this country anymore. Do you think I’m so ignorant to say OSHA is the only reason why this country is failing to provide jobs at fair wages to people who want to work? This country is legislating itself out of existence and the same rules do not apply to everyone allowed in the game. I’m not making a political statement, bashing the party or trying to cause an argument. I’m only voicing my dissent and opinions. That’s all; if anyone wants to misread more into it then I’m sorry. Life is inherently cruel and dangerous. People are sometime rude and it would be much easy and a happier place I guess if we all just cowered and hide without our voices being heard.

  2. Cool video but where's OSHA? If you notice not everyone is wearing safety glasses, ear protection and hard hats. We could be doing the same in the USA if the government would get out of the way of business. Perhaps, OSHA was in the plant and recommended the hammer driver be guarded by the high tech jagged bent thin sheet metal protection device. How long do you think a company that operated like this would last in the United States? How can we compete with that?

    I wear safety glasses, ear protection and a hard hat not because the government tells me to. I don’t need the government telling me what to do or to save me from me. I take precautions because I want to protect my health.

  3. Hello my name is Richard from Allentown, PA. As Billy Joel would say “so were living here in Allentown and they closed another factory down". That isn't the case for me. I relocated here a few years ago from Philadelphia, PA to take a job in the area. I’ve been an Industrial Blacksmith for more years then I’d like to admit. Years ago and before I moved to Allentown I worked in shop in Philadelphia until it was closed in the early 80’s. I have been lurking for a while but I thought it might be good time to participate in some of the discussions if given the opportunity to do so.

    My passion for Philadelphia industrial history, Otto Engines and Nazel Hammers runs deep. The company I worked for in Philadelphia at one time had 3 Nazel Hammers that ran off a line shaft powered by The Otto Gas Engine. Of course the Otto Engine was used long before my time working in the shop. The engine powered the factory line shaft that supplied power to grinders, lathes, milling machines and hammers. The engine and hammers were still in the shop taken out of service not being used until the shop was closed. The shop I currently work in now has the last Nazel Hammer made and runs Bradley Hammers. We do a lot of same tools and type of work I did while working in Philadelphia. My dream some day when I retire is to hook up a Nazel belt driven 6B or 7B to an Otto 175 horsepower engine in my garage. I want to show the neighbors some love and how a peaceful and quiet guy from Kensington, can “rock their world”.

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