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I Forge Iron


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Posts posted by drako

  1. Lots of good ideas above. Think about this. A shop that does anvils on a regular basis and has a history of making them come to life would most likely turn down the task of repairing that anvil. Mostly due to the reasons listed above. That said: If you are really good and experienced with a stick welder you may want to tackle this. Think about the time involved and wot you might accomplish in the same amount of time working on other things. If you are new to forgeing the time could be spent at the forge learning hammer control and body mechanics. And as a by-product of that you may make some small items that you could look back on later with pride.
    I have welded on well over a dozen anvils and they all came out nice and are useable today. I believe a reasonable estimate on how much time you will spend on that anvil would be at least a full week of full days. And that would only be if you are a real good welder, have the tools and a place to work and can use a grinder well or have access to a mill for final finish.

    The other side of this is that you do not have much money in it and if you try the repair and it does not work out you will have lost time and price of materials but maybe you will learn much.
    If it was mine I would try and find it a new home, perhaps with a decorator or at least another use in life rather than as an anvil.

    as for time i have plenty of that and i like to do things that most people would not attempt not that i am saying that this is going to be hard just time consuming but in the end i will have a nice anvil for a low cost.

  2. That Fisher is fixable in my opinion. Of course I have have the tools to do it, welders, mill, etc. There are several ways that it could be done, and be fully usable again.

    Where are you located?

    What tools do you have access too?

    What skills do you have?

    Personally I do not care for nickel rods like E99, and prefer others over it. The ones I have used in the past are in the $50 a pound range, and lay down like 7018. Some cast iron is very weldable, while some grades are not. You have to know what you are dealing with first. I would look more at a possible mechanical method of attachment myself.

    I am located in northern Kentucky

    i have access to 9 inch 4inch grinders and polishers mig and stick welders i can also weld very well i have every thing i need to do it except for the mill but i can use a grinder for that.

    the thing is that i need to know what welding wire or sticks to use and need to know how you guys would recommend to do it.

    I am very capable of fixing it if i knew what the process was to prep and so on what do i need to watch for and what is the best method of laying the welds to get them to stick do i need to preheat should i get rid of what is left of the face should i keep it and weld of that or gust weld a hole new face on it.

  3. drako, You've got the right idea, but it looks a bit too deep, and a 3" hole and piping would be better.

    what will it hurt if i leave it deep it is only about 5 inch deep it looks deeper in the pic it would be a lot of work to cut it down. i also still need to make the coal catch witch will make it a little bit shallower.

    also if i went to a 3 inch pipe what would you recommend to use.
  4. I went out and got two anvils yesterday one was a nc and the other is a fisher. well on the fisher the face is cracked off and i want to repair it i am going to pry the rest of the face off and resurface it what kind of welding rod do i need and what would be the proper size welder to use for this application. i think the anvil is around the 200# mark. also do you think i payed to much at 75 bucks for it.




  5. Ok so i have never blacksmith in my life but i thought it would be cool to get in to so i started to build a forge about a week ago this is what i got so far. its a work in progress i still need to finish up the stand and i need a blower i am not really sure what to use also i need to get a few more pipes. also do you guys and or gals think that a 2in pipe is enough air flow for its size

    any other recommendations on things i should do.






  6. Man you better make something REAL NICE for him or "may the horn fall off the anvil"! That's great! It should serve you will.

    here are some pix of my first forge ever. i have bin hard at work on this thing i just do not know what to use for a blower. so far i have 8 bucks in the building of this thing. i think she is looking sexy so far.





  7. Man you better make something REAL NICE for him or "may the horn fall off the anvil"! That's great! It should serve you will.

    i also got a fisher anvil not sure of the weight yet but i think it is around the 200 mark but the face of it is cracked off so i guess i will have to resurface it. got it for 75 bucks now i just need to get my forge built so i can use them.




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