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I Forge Iron


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Posts posted by TessiersFarm

  1. I appreciate all the replies. Money is not really a factor, to a certain extent. The location is a working farm so size is not really too much of a problem, more so the problem will be junk that doesn't belong there. It will be ajacent to a 50x60 shop so roughing out materials and even material storage is a non-issue. He won't even talk about it much, he claims its too much money for a hobby, and he is too old for that, but he is just retiring next week and still in fair to good health. Right now he is in a 12x12 area and seams real happy when he is working, although ventilation and light are both issues. I was thinking 8' walls with open ceiling, about 12 or 13' to the ridge. I was thinking to extend the roof 6 or 8 feet on the front for a porch type of thing, he likes to sit and tell about it. I was also intending to keep his layout the same, he could have all the room he wants where he is so I think it is layed out well for him. I also intend to build or buy a power hammer at some point, his shoulder bothers him some. How much area do those require? He is going to be out of town in a few weeks and we are going to build it while he is gone, Mother insisted on that, after all she is the boss.

    Thanks again, it has already helped, and we look forward to more.

    The Tessiers

  2. Hello All, I am not nessisarilly into blacksmithing but I am hoping you all will help a fellow Blacksmith. My father has been talking for years about building a blacksmith shop but he never will for various reasons. He is now operating in the back corner of a working farm garage, which is inconvinient at best. He retires this week and will have much more time to spend in the new shop. My 4 brothers and I have decided to build him a new shop but we need input on size, ventilation and layouts. We have a little to start with, he talks about post and beam construction with T&G sheathing. Dirt floor which I plan to use Crusher Dust. Large double doors on one end. We are thinking 12x16? He has an anitque forge with hand blower it is about 3 1/2 feet wide and 2 1/2 feet front to back. From there I am lost, and need help. 3 of 5 of us boys are carpenters by trade so construction details are no problem, we just want a functional, comfortable workspace for him. If anyone can help us out we would appreciate it.

    The Tessier Boys

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