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I Forge Iron

Chris Boling

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Posts posted by Chris Boling

  1. u could always ask the local rail yard if they have any old scrap pieces of rr rail lyin around,or u could walk the local rr track.the rail road almost never cleans up after themselves after fixin anything.i found the piece of rr rail im using as an anvil buried in a large pile of rr spikes.i also picked up the spikes and have enough to sink a ship almost

  2. when i was 11 i got shot in my right arm with a 12 ga shotgun.the blast obliterated my elbow to the extent that i cannot completely extend my right arm or twist my right wrist.i am 21 now and have been smithing for a year now,i always liked workin with steel and i took vocational traning to become a welder,my hammer hand is still my right arm,my trick is to let the hammer start fallin then add some force mid swing like a wip effect. works pretty good but takes a little more practise on timeing and hammer control but saves my right arm from hurtin in the long run

  3. Matt; As it is already seasoned it seems doubtful that he might get a good bow blank from it... they should be split out while green... knife and other tool handles too of course, but less critical as bows need long staves with very little splitting whereas knife handles often need only be a few inches in length.

    i thought it was seasoned,but upon recent inspection i found out that its not quite seasoned.its still got some moisture in it ant has got some small splits along the ends but i bound the ends with rope to stop the splitting from spreading.

  4. It's easier to split them green, certainly, but what would be the harm in ripping it in half and bandsawing out a blank (or a couple) from one of the halves?

    Of course I'm assuming it isn't riddled with knots and checks to begin with.

    i dont know about the amount of knots because i havent skinned it yet

  5. I've heard that locust is a good wood,but I don't know.
    have any of u used this wood? and if so,what are your thoughts and results.
    I would greatly apprecate any insight on this matter

    the reason i ask is that i recently came into possesion of a seasoned 8-10' length x 6" diameter log
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