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I Forge Iron


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Posts posted by ebnewt

  1. Well that is embarrassing... Yeah, my forge has two inches of insulating wool, lined with satanite and has a piece of kiln shelf for the floor. Here is a second try at the photos...
    (it won't let me upload, Error500?...)

    Forge heating up:

    Ugly Tongs

    The t-rex is definitely a little powerful for the freon forge. I'm giving it about 1-2 psi and its heating up railroad spikes no problem.

  2. Hey guys, I finally finished my first forge (after an extremely long and drawn out process). The day after I finished my forge I put together my first project, railroad spike tongs. They aren't pretty but they work, I'm happy with them being my first ever attempt at smithing. If any of you are interested here is most of the process, here is a link. I might get to posting some finished pictures on the blog but I will likely be busy hitting hot metal.


    Here are a couple of pictures. (tried to imbed but it wouldn't let me).



  3. Hey gas forge compadres, do any of you know if Zoeller is currently up and running, and if so are your orders getting done fairly quick? I have been trying to get in contact with no success... I'm hoping to finish this forge of mine in the next 3 weeks.

  4. Hey,

    I'm back again to get some more of your invaluable input! As you may know I'm working on a freon mini forge and was trying to figure whether or not to get the T-rex burner from hybrid burners. I know the shorty is essentially built for this purpose but my plan is to move up to a larger forge in the near future and am hoping that I wont have to cough up another 150 buckaroos (I'm not made of money, in fact the opposite, I'm made of gaping holes in my wallet). Could I run the T-rex at 3-7psi and be hunky dory or are there flaws in this plan?


  5. Hey, I'm pretty new to this whole thing and have been looking at the freon mini forges people have been putting together. I cut out the front and now am at a stand still. I have seen a lot of cautionary comments on left over freon and the green paint, I'm wondering if its a good idea to burn it out with charcoal (and standing far away) before painting/lining?

  6. Fortunately its gratis, and I will not be able to tap it with a hammer until I have it in my own two hands which might be a couple of weeks away. Thanks for all the replies, here is to hoping its not cast iron! I may be back on these forms soon to ask for tips on anvil face grinding and touching up the edges.


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