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Posts posted by Restoreman123

  1. Just happen to attend a demo at Blacksmith Guild of Va. March 19th. Tom Boone uses one regularly. I had never seen nor heard of one before then. I guess Farriers know about them. Interesting.

  2. Hi, I made a Jerry Allen Rusty Hammer almost ten years ago and it is still working today. Total investment out of pocket was about $60. Of course plus my time. I don't have a breakdown on the amount of electricity it took to weld it together. If cost is a factor this is the way to go. Everything except for the drive belt and the grade 8 bolts were from the junk pile. Many have laughed, it ain't pretty, but she works. So if money is tight, this is the way to go in my book. I have a picture of me using it on my website: www.happyhavenforge.com, go to gallery, click the back button three times and your there. I made it in about ten days, when I had time to work on it, about 1/2 to 1-1/2 hours per day. Happy Hammerin'

  3. I think I have mislead you. The post will be made from the 1" rebar, the railing will be made from flat stock and will be textured but smooth to the hand. I am having trouble coming up with a way to secure the post between the overhang and the stoop.

  4. I am making a new post and rail (my first) for my front stoop and it will be 3 pcs of 1" rebar with about 90 degree bends at 120 d. apart. I was trying to figure a way to attach the post and ensure that it is tight between the overhang and the brick stoop. I was thinking of some kind of wedge system or two plates where one has bolts and can be tighted then cut off flush. Well if anyone has any ideas or experience with this sort of thing it would be greatly appreciated. Thanks, Vince

  5. Nice work on your scale wagons. I do revolutionary war cannon carriages, representing 1781, French, English and American. When I started out 9 years ago, there was very little about building them out there. I spoke with C.W. Master Wheelwright & others there. I also spent time at C.W. BS. shop Shel & Peter were very helpful. I do mine straked as was true to the period. It would be somewhat difficult to do at demos. Way to long to keep anyone's interest. The most dynamic thing I do is the actual straking, lots of smoke, hammering, activity galore, the rest is pretty straight forward and slow. I guess you could schedule putting a tire on, but unless you have to do several or at least one pair or set, that would be it. It's not a repeatable process per se.
    Well there's me reply.

  6. Just registered and hope to learn some stuff and maybe contribute something of use to someone one day. I do some metal banging once in a while but never on a regular basis. I do belong to the Tidewater Blacksmith Guild and happen to be the Secretary (doesn't require much blacksmith skill, just a little note taking and typing. hahaha). Well just wanted to say hi. I will try to check this site out once a week ... for now!!! Thanks for having this available.

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