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I Forge Iron

Oriental Ironworks

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Posts posted by Oriental Ironworks

  1. Hello all. I am new to forging and have a new 2 burner commercial forge. It has an 2-30 psi LP regulator which I adjust to 7-9 psi and a needle valve after it that I open fully after I light it off. It does a good job of heating metal to a yellow heat. I have used a small portable bottle until now.

    When I plumbed my forge to a bigger outside 60 gal LP tank for cost savings the problems started. I cut the pressure to 7-9 psi per usual and lit the flame after cracking open the needle valve.
    About 1/2 turn of the needle valve the gas quits, the flame blows out and pressure go to Zero on the forge regulator gauge. I can get the pressure back by closing the needle valve.

    I suspect a safety feature at the main tank is shutting down the flow but the propane supplier says he doesn't know of one. I just had the supplier make me a "T" off the supply line to a water heater to a shop bathroom. I use this second line for the forge. The "T" is after the big tank regulator by the way. My forge regulator shows the highest pressure coming out of the big tank is about 15 psi. My LP supplier is a nice guy but doesn't want to get into trouble plumbing a hobby shop with high pressure gas, i.e. more than .5 psi. I don't want to get him in trouble or blow up my place either.

    Thanks for any help. Chuck of Oriental Ironworks

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