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I Forge Iron


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Posts posted by Grantham

  1. I am new here and I am in the process of learning this "Trade" as a hobby. In starting to find the various tools of the trade, I came across a Anvil at the local scrap yard. I don't know much about anvils but from what I have read on the Net and what I found on the anvil is that it is a 1843 William Foster. It has a H stamped on it but it looks like there was something stamped in front of it. The scales at the scrap yard weighed it at 106lbs. The problem with it is that the face isn't exactly flat, it's got a slight dip in it. No square edges and there is a small piece of the face missing on one side. I have read that you can weld the face up and regrind it flat. Should I do that to such an old anvil or keep looking for one in better shape?

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