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I Forge Iron

Evan Lacaillade

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Posts posted by Evan Lacaillade

  1. This is my first anvil. I have been reading around the forum and other sites to try to determine its maker. As i started cleaning it today i believe i found the hundredweight markings, 1 3 2. The last picture shows this (faintly visible). It also appears to me that it has the punch marks between the numbers indicating a Mousehole anvil. I have read that this would be rather big for a Mousehole. Anybody else have any ideas about it?

    Note: the seller advertised the anvil as 100-120 pounds. After lifting it i knew it to be more, and these weight markings show it to be nearly twice that. I paid 200 for it a couple years ago.

  2. although i have graduated from high school, i think i fall under the grouping "younger members". i am 20 now, and started smithing about 3 years ago. I did an independent study type project required for graduation all about smithing with a guy who had just opened a shop locally, and i have loved it ever since. come to think of it, i loved seeing the displays at the local "Shelburne Museum" and "Tunbridge World's Fair" long before i ever tried anything myself.

  3. This is my first anvil. I found it in a newspaper classified a couple years ago, shortly after i had started dabbling in blacksmithing. The seller thought it weighed 100-120 pounds, I believe it weighs much more. It sat in my parents garage for the past 2-3 years, but I plan to start using it this week once my new forge arrives. I started cleaning the anvil up today and I think I found weight markings (last picture), 1 . 3 . 2 is what I see, 198 lbs? I APPEARS to me that it has the punch marks between the numbers meaning it is a Mousehole. I am very new to all of this, so any other insight is greatly appreciated. I believe the anvil was listed for 220, paid 200 and got him to throw in a decent hammer.

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