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I Forge Iron

Jim Joyce

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Posts posted by Jim Joyce

  1. Hello Fellow Balcksmith, I would forge it all complete within one working day and spend 1-2 hrs on finish. Installation is strictly T & M. I would have used red head lead anchors if the masonary permitted. Blacksmiths charge what other trades charge per hour, such as plumber, electrician or cabinet maker. I would not make a jig for anything that required less than SEVERAL of the same item. Blacksmiths working for a living have to make repeat items fast and efficiently and we don't get paid for jig time. I do really like the finished product and trust the mantle height above firebox opening meets county fire code...otherwise you may be personally liable for the life of the house for the mantle catching fire. There ain't any short cuts in the liability issue in construction when insurance companies get involved.

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