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I Forge Iron


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Posts posted by Grumpie

  1. Hi Thomas, the weights on these bellows are used to aid the up stroke, they fill the upper chamber harder on the up than the downstroke, and it can be hard work to push them up without the the weights to help :)



    Thanks John, I live in northeast Scotland so it is a bit out of the way, but it would be great if you could weigh it for me :)
    The diameter of the bellows is 28 inches.
    Thanks again.

  2. I wonder if anyone can help, I have just renovated and fitted a pair of Alldays and Onions double action bellows to my forge, unfortunately they came without the weights. I am using the weights from my flypress at the moment but the are a little light for the job. Does anyone know the correct size of the weights used originally, I have searched the net but have had no luck in finding out.

    Thanks :)

  3. A happy newyear to you all, and thankyou all for the warm welcome, I am looking forward to taking part in such an active community.

    Frosty if ever you make it to this neck of the woods give me a call :)

  4. Hi everyone, my name is Gordon and I live in the northeast of Scotland. I found your forum today and am looking forward to joining in.
    I have just started to restore my workshop after a few years doing other projects, but I am now itching to get back to the smithing, and your forum has already got me all fired up :)

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