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I Forge Iron


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Posts posted by living.history

  1. Hi,
    can any of you guys help me please. I supply various items to the historical re-enactment world here in the UK and have always bought my steels from Mike Ameling in the U.S. However, as Im sure many of you know, Mikey passed away a short time ago. A great guy, sadly missed.
    The reason I approached Mikey in the first place was because I need to buy steels in batches of 15-20 at a time and the majority of 'Craftsmen' supplying the re-enactment world here in the UK are very expensive as their customer base is miniscule and most of those who sell at traders fayres etc, take little pride in their work often using mild steel and offering little more than a prop that is of little or no use for purpose.
    I need someone who can supply me regularly with basic 'C' steels that will strike and spark every time. I will cover all postage costs to the UK and can guarantee a regular order, with numbers of units required set to rise throughout 2010. Another reason I buy from the States is because I give away as gifts, many of the steels I buy, to youngsters coming into the re-enactment world for the first time. If I paid British prices, I would not be able to afford to do this.
    If anyone can supply or put me in touch with someone who can, I would be eternally greatful.

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