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I Forge Iron


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Posts posted by perch73

  1. Looks like someone felt guilty enough to go back and erase his post.
    Let`s hope he felt guilty enough to return the property he obtained by less than honest means.
    His Karma will thank him if he did.

    looking back at my story i can see all of your points of view. at the time i felt i wasn't doing anything wrong, just putting something to use that wasn't being used and rotting away. so here's what i did . i called the guy that sold me the anvil and told him if the old man ever starts looking for it to give me a call and i will return it and he can keep the $50. i don't want him to get in trouble with the old man and his job. and i don't want to be labeled a crook on the forum.
    thanks for the replies and showing me a different way of looking at the situation

  2. Howdy from East TEXAS!! and welcome to IFI! I graduated from Mullin...a long long time ago...lived in Goldthwaite. My wife has a nephew and his family that lives in Brownwood also. ANYWAY....there is a guy in Goldthwaite that has several anvils, at least a few yrs ago he did. Name is Robert Womack, shop is south of Goldthwaite on HWY 183 on the west side of the hwy and just outside of the city limits. He also had a couple of Little Giant power hammers last time I was by there. He's a little grumpy and acts like he knows it all sometimes but I think you can deal with him. Also, the Balcones Forge www.balconesforge.org , is the ABANA affiliate closest to you. They usually meet in the Marble Falls, Austin, Fredricksburg area. Check out their site for more details. Great bunch of folks and enjoy having visitors and newbies join them. Enjoy the site.

    thanks for your help, i will give him a call
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