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I Forge Iron


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Posts posted by Dougal

  1. Hi - I am Dougal from SS Coast. I am retired and fiddle in my shed were I repair and make things. Currently I am working on a wheel barrow 12 volt spray unit for our farm. It has to be narrow to fit down our walking tracks. Nearly finished and hope to have operational before the weeds start growing... If I can work out how to send photographs I will post.

  2. I had a go at making tongs and they turned out okay except I got the pin hole in the wrong place and the purchase point was not sufficient to hold large objects. It was fun making them. Welded the holes and tried again. I am on a pension and have very little money so I am always looking for scrap metal and made mine out of three quarter inch square bar from an old farm machine.

  3. Goog Day Carl
    I am Dougal from Cooran SSC - I just found how to get into this site and am getting lost all the time so was please when I saw "Brisbane" I am a bit of a metal basher - and spend most of my time in the shed with the carpet snakes. My trouble is that I usually have three or four projects going at a time - but I do like a challenge.

  4. Good day

    I am Dougal from Cooran, Australia. I have been looking at this site for some time and really enjoy the discussions. My hobby is building and repairing machinery or just making something for our farm or my neighbours. My largest project was a prefabricated walking bridge 35feet long 4ft wide over our creek above the waterfall. The bridge is part of our wildlife corridore tracks and the smallest was tuning a and pressing a square spanner to tune our our community piano at the hall. - I like a challange

  5. I have four short lengths beside my shed and I am having difficulty to lifting one of them. I was thinking of using a length for the anvil part of a power hammer. Has anyone used rail successfully for this purpose as I notice the most commom use is 3 inch round bar for the anvil.

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