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I Forge Iron


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Posts posted by un1tek84

  1. Well, anytime anyone, including the government, talks about saving energy/money in the car industry, I'm very wary. Whatever you choose to do, it's going to take up energy and it will produce waste of some sort. It's never so simple that one source has the whole story.

  2. The others who posted about their experience know more about being self-employed in this area than I do, but I would suggest something that goes along with any self-employment endeavor. And that is, get yourself on the web sooner than later. Get a website up, and build up your web identity. Years from now all industries will need some web presence as standard. Since you're young, it's easier for you to learn what you need to know about publishing content, getting traffic, using social media, etc. -- all to basically build up your portfolio and make yourself accessible. Even if you just offer blacksmithing tips once a week on your blog, you have that edge over others who aren't online.

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