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I Forge Iron

Hello to everyone

Doug Hyde

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I'm a beginner blacksmith(about 2 years of home experimentation after a "basic" course. Having lots of fun and dreams of future projects.
I'm a fairly good home shop machinist, which means I remember to take the chuck key out of my D 1-4 chuck before turning on the lathe.
I can"t design for beans, but I can follow instructions and if you need a tool for a small job, I can figure out how to make it.
My wife is an artist and does metal sculpture. ( gold,silver and some moderate size yard sculpture... I do the "technical" advise and the welding/metal work.
Making tools for projects is fun...maybe more so than the project.
Being so new to all of this, I"ll just sit back and try and learn form the rest.

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Welcome aboard Doug, glad to have ya.

Tool making IS fun, I like it almost more than using the things.

We love pics, especially process pics.

Yes, never leave the key in any chuck, good for you, that's more than I was able to get across to some of the guys I used to work with. After I left, the idiot actually traded the lathe off rather than learn to use it. Couldn't keep a bit sharp.


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