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Hello all

After many years of doing nothing I have decided to actively pursue the hobby (or soon to be obsession) I have been interested in. With essentially no background in metal working I am looking to build some smithing skills.

I have always been impressed with the ability to create a blade from the forge and this is the destination of my journey.

I am hoping this will be the resource for information and aid that I hope. Once I have done some reading I hope to put together a shop of sorts and begin hammering away.

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Welcome to the ranks of the metallurgically afflicted.

These are some areas of IFI that'll help you get up and going. My number one word of advice is do NOT wait till you have the "real" tools, there are a lot of things you can improvise and the sooner you start building fires and hitting things the faster you'll be on your way.

IForgeIron.com > Getting Started

IForgeIron.com > Lessons in metalworking > Lessons in Blacksmithing

IForgeIron.com > Lessons in metalworking > Lessons in Blacksmithing > LB0008 Reference material

IForgeIron.com > Forum > Archive (Look for multiple pages 2,3,4 etc at the top of page. Pack a lunch and a cold drink before you go.)

IForgeIron.com > Blacksmithing Groups


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  • 2 weeks later...

Thanks for the welcome and direction. I am anxious to get going. Managed to get myself registered in an intro to blacksmithing course at the local college. Figure it will be a worthy start. Unfortunately it is a few months away still. Lots of time to read before then I guess.

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