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Christmas 2024 - what Christmas (Holiday) Movies did you watch (Christmas Eve and/ or Day)


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Title says it all.  

this year what Christmas (Holiday) Movies did you watch?

Christmas Eve we watched

Christmas with the Kranks

Four Christmases


Christmas Day we watched

A Christmas Story

National Lampoons Christmas Vacation

The Grinch that stole Christmas (Jim Carey one)




Man I forget the rest... its a start.

Merry Christmas and Happy New year


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Deb and I watched, "It's A Wonderful Life," Christmas eve and "Yule Log" Christmas day till late morning. She doesn't like "Scrooged" and we didn't see one of the earlier versions listed. I'll catch "A Christmas Story," one of my favorites and "Die Hard," again. We watched Deb's choice most of the day and I buried my head in one of my Christmas gifts, "Under His Wings," by Emily Compagno.

I listened to my new Bose Quiet Comfort noise canceling over ear headphones. I sure wish I had these for the flights to and from Arizona but the $50 on sale JBLs made the engine noise bearable. My old Bose headphones broke a couple weeks before the trip so I had to make do. I'd worn the old ones for years and almost cried when they broke just before a flight. 

Deb bought me a pair of Air Pods for Christmas and on their highest cancellation setting they don't match the Bose powered off. There's just too much exposed bone around the ear to conduct sound. They're pretty darned nice though I hope I can pair them to my Kindle so I can listen to my audio books. I sure wish they'd put instructions in the box instead of putting them in the app!

Sorry, old but recurring pet peeve of mine.

Frosty The Lucky.

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It's a 1988 action movie starting Bruce Willis and takes place during Christmas. Starts at a Christmas party for a huge corporation and takes place in a sky scraper. There have been arguments about whether it is or is not a Christmas movie since it came out. 

Frosty The Lucky.

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2 hours ago, Frosty said:

It's a 1988 action movie starting Bruce Willis and takes place during Christmas. Starts at a Christmas party for a huge corporation and takes place in a sky scraper. There have been arguments about whether it is or is not a Christmas movie since it came out. 

Frosty The Lucky.

XXXX    1988, movie is old, same age as me!

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I find it interesting there are some movies that are just timeless.


I forgot we watched its a wonderful life also... that one is just part of tradition.


Frosty, I have several pairs of Buds and they are great, ISOTunes makes a pair that I absolutely love for working in a noisy shop. 

BUT I agree with you, they are no good for tuning out noise on a plane or airport.  I have a Bluetooth over the ear set just for traveling.  

I don't care if they make me look old wearing the big bulky headphones, I love my peaceful quiet bliss for the entire trip.  8-)

PS.  My Kindle is an app on my Samsung tablet.   So i get my movies, audiobooks, music  and the ton of kindle books I have downloaded.



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We watched "Red One", the new movie with the Rock in it, Christmas eve. 

The original cartoon "Grinch that Stole Christmas", i can not stand jim carey 

Christmas day we watched "A Christmas Story" of course.

"Mixed Nuts" with Steve Martin. 

"Funny Farm" with Chevy Chase and of course "Christmas Vacation". 

I found out yesterday that there was a sequel made to "A Christmas Story". 

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I still haven't tried my new Air Pods and hope they live up to the hype. I can hear the TV clearly while using my other par of noise "cancelling" buds but they're probably 10 or more years old. I'm kind of ticked off I can't wear pods in the shower or even light rain, same for my headphones. What were they thinking, should I carry the hard case with me at all times in case it sprinkles?

Over the ear cups are way more comfortable and effective, set to "Aware" I can hear outside too. I haven't cared what people think if my gear does what it's supposed to in so long I can't think of a time it has.

We have Amazon Prime so we have a crazy huge library of everything they carry to chose from, I just downloaded "The Epic Of Gilgamesh," for a little light listening. That of course will mean I'll have to listen to the various versions of the flood stories and related archeological and geological texts.

Then there are all the oldie streaming sites if you want to watch or listen to oh say, all the Superman series ever made. I binged "Northern Exposure" a while back. "Twin Peaks," lost my interest in a couple episodes. Dark Shadows wasn't as good as I remember but still a good watch.

We didn't watch any of those Christmas day Billy. We've seen the "A Christmas Story" sequel. IIRC Ralphy's son is going through similar to the original and Ralphy relives his youth, etc. While not bad I can't recommend it much. Jim Carey gets old really quick.

Frosty The Lucky.

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A Christmas Story is a compilation of stories by an author named Jean Shepard.  He grew up in Hammond, IN and his stories are semi autobiographical.  For years he had a radio program in NYC where he told stories.  Here is a link to the 1974 broadcast of his "Christmas Story" which became the movie. 

Although he is a great oral story teller I like his books the best, in particular:  "Wanda Hickey's Night of Golden Memories", "In God We Trust, All Others Pay Cash," "A Fist Full of Fig Newtons," and "The Ferrari in the Bedroom."

One time Madelynn and I were on a road trip, she was driving, and I was reading "Wanda Hickey's Night of Golden Memories" aloud to her.  I was doing it with appropriate accents and got her laughing so hard she had to stop the car to recover lest she lose control from laughing.

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Carson's family and ex-wives have or had what recordings remain so locked up in legal battles nobody got to see them. The old days of "The Tonight Show" from my kidhood weren't recorded at all as broadcast, what were were on cellulose and haven't survived. 

Thanks George, you've posted about Jean Shepherd before. I spent some time listening to his shows online. Good stories though I have to say I don't like the cover pic above. Oh well, sacrifices must be made.:rolleyes:

Deb introduced me to The Red Green Show. I don't know what happened but The New Red Green  Show doesn't hold a candle to it. (in another room)

Then there are Garrison Keillor's, "Tales From Lake Wobegone," on "The Prairie Home Companion" program Christmas episodes. It was a great show regardless and I miss it. I'll have to double check he announced his retirement and I haven't seen listings. He performed at the Alaska State fair in Palmer (we have several so you gotta specify which one) a few years ago. He and the sound effects guy Fred Newman were in the middle of a routine and a train horn sounded. Garrison looked at Fred who looked back with his hands wide in confusion. The routine stopped cold and a few seconds later the train sounded it's horn again and everybody had a good laugh as it rolled past maybe 100' away. 

Frosty The Lucky.

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Jerry, oral stories are best listened to on a radio or phonograph or tape or audio books with no visual distractions.  That way your mind is freer to create your own mental images.  If I'm listening to something on You Tube I turn the monitor away from myself so that I am not distracted by whatever is on the screen.  I often do the same with music although a good music video is entertaining both to the eye and ear.

I do miss Garrison Kiellor.  Growing up in the Midwest and having connections to Minnesota (my mother was from Duluth) a lot of what he spoke of was familiar to me.


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Agreed, I just don't care for the photo of Jean in the booth waving at the window. It doesn't take way from listening to the show I don't look at it, well not after the first couple minutes I didn't. My new laptop lets me turn the screen off which is nice.

I don't listen to a lot of music, I grew up on top 40 radio or if with my parents country western. Now music radio doesn't seem to have any stories to tell, hip hop or rap change my channels. I like music that tells a story and I do listen to "The Longest Johns" when the mood strikes.

I listen mostly to audio books, arthritis in my thumbs makes holding even paperbacks open painful before I get far. I got a new pair of Bose Quiet Comfort noise cancelling headphones to replace my old broken pair for Christmas.

I just listened to two different versions of "The Epic Of Gilgamesh." The substance was the same just different narration styles, one was more theatrical a bit "booming" in presentation. I much preferred the version that was just read, like you say my imagination plays the movie in my head and does a better job of it. It does a better job than Hollywood ever has.

Frosty The Lucky.

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When i am at work i do that same thing with youtube. I put it on my phone then lay my phone on the other side of the shop.  That is why i have been listening to a lot of archeology lectures and the like. 

I had one on the other day that had a very compelling theory on Atlantis. And no not the super duper advanced space traveling laser beam firing tale. But a logical city state that was just a bit more advanced than some. In gist this guy, with help, re-translated Plato. Made a few corrections like where Atlantis sinks the Greek word would have actually meant covered. He did this on the idea that all myth has a kernel of truth. He also theorizes that where Plato's "Critias" just ends mid sentence that is where the "Iliad" picks up. 

Staying with the theme of Greek writers, if you ever find the second volume of Aristotle's "Poetics" do not lick your finger to turn the page. Doing so did not turn out well in an Italian monastery in 1327. (see if anyone gets that reference) 

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Which ruins do you favor for Atlantis? The ones subsided into the plains of Andalusia or the underwater ones off the Spanish coast, or? Plato was retelling stories of things that happened a couple thousand years earlier and thought up a lot to make them good "educational" stories.

That there was a Mediterranean spanning geological event around 16,000 BCE. is strongly supported by evidence of many types. Recent cores and excavations indicate the cities, towns, etc. sunken in the S. Spanish plains sunk do to liquefaction over maybe a century or so on a huge scale. The ruins off the coast subsided further because the susceptible soils are deeper and the water table was much higher. 

That there were major tsunamis is also strongly supported geologically and historically. Tsunamis were recorded in Egypt along with "blood" rains, ash falls, etc. and let us not forget the disappearance of the Minoan civilization.

That Santorini just happened to suffer an island erasing (almost) caldera collapse eruption about then could be connected. :rolleyes: I have my suspicions.

Frosty The Lucky.

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