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I would say none of those, they are all under powered for the work you are planning. The best belt grinder would be a 2X72 with at least a 1 hp motor, with adjustments for belt speed, either by pulley's or rheostat.


We still don't know your general location as a lot of answers depend on where in the world you are located. If you go to your profile, edit profile, you can put your general location in there.

I can't control the wind, all I can do is adjust my sail’s.~ Semper Paratus


I agree with Irondragon.  The ones you list are pretty small and you will spend a lot of time getting the same work done and you will probably also spend more on belts.  Several of the ones you list, particularly the ones that have grinding/sanding disks on them appear to be designed more for woodworking.

In deciding on what to get look at the belt speed, if it is listed.  Generally, for metal work you want a faster speed to remove the harder metal.  Oddly, the reverse is true for band saws.  You may have to do some math to calculate belt speed.  If they give you the rpm of the motor and the diameter of the drive wheel you can figure it out.  Ideally, a variable speed model is better but that usually means more $$$.

That said, you can make them work but they are sub-optimal.  If price is an issue get the largest you can afford and plan to upgrade in the future.  There are 2x72 kits available for fairly reasonable prices if you want to put some sweat equity and time into the tool instead of $$$.

"By hammer and hand all arts do stand."


Just edited my profile 


Y’a where I live there just isn’t allot of options. My budgets under $800

What about this. I thought it was a bit big though. It has 1 hp



Good Morning,

You need to talk to Front-Step Forge in Edmonton.

I have that belt grinder, yes it works. It is nowhere's near as good as a 2x72. Save your money and buy a 2x72. There are lots of choices, maybe Shawn will know of one.



I concur with the others.  One HP is bare minimum and that is borderline.   1.5 to 2 hp is a good place to be. 

I used one of those combination 4x36 belt sanders with the disc for a couple blades.  They are not designed for metal work and will not hold up for long in that application.  Those are mainly for woodworking applications.  


Those are all wood sanders though you CAN sharpen a chisel on the disk. The wide belts are a hinderance for making blades. Save your sheckles and but one made for working steel. a 2" x 72" absolute minimum 1hp motor, 2 is way better.

Frosty The Lucky. 

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