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An 150# Hay Budden anvil of approximately 1910 vintage was stolen from a garage of a very dear friend in New Bern NC this week.

Anybody in that area please keep an eye out. It's easily identified by its having holes drilled in its feet.

Thanks much everybody.


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I'll pass the word along, I have a couple metal head friends in N.C.

If you'll PM a contact number, name, etc.  I can FWD that too, or should I have them call the PD if they see it?

Frosty The Lucky.

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I would have them do both, call the pd that took the report and the owner. If the owner hasn't filed a police report, encourage him/her to do it asap. Without a report on file I doubt the PD could do much in recovering it. George if there are pictures of it post them too, never know it may be listed for sale by now in the many internet sale sites..

I can't control the wind, all I can do is adjust my sail’s.~ Semper Paratus

Wouldn't it be something, if it showed up in the Tailgating section on IFI.

I can't control the wind, all I can do is adjust my sail’s.~ Semper Paratus

Edited by Irondragon Forge ClayWorks
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