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I Forge Iron

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Hello!!  Just finished this last few day's work..onto leather next..3 leaf blade and 3 straight blade HC daggers  with phosphor bronze mounts and assorted hardwood grips..Turned out pretty good for an olde fart.

JP (I hate leather work) H


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Not into crossword puzzles I see, Jim. Good thing you have something to do with your hands. :rolleyes: 

Beautiful as always, I can't tell how long are they? 

It's good to see you posting again Jim, seeing what you've been up to is always a treat.

Frosty The Lucky.

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hate leather work? and I was gonna ask you to make something for me to hold a Kimber Pro Rapter2 in 45

nice work for an old guy. And where is book 4? I am still waiting after all these years and I aint getting any younger myself

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These are absolutely beautiful. Hopefully this is a compliment, but they look like they belong in the hands of some Hobbits or some Dwarves! 

Seriously though, I didn’t get into this hobby to make knives, but this kind of work really makes me want to make something like these!

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Steve: YOU real funny G. I. ...

Book IV is starting proofing, line drawings and a wee bit of re-write during the edit..Photography has been started already...It's going to be a BIG book from the looks of it..the Japanese blade sections alone will be worth it...especially trhe section on Hamons...


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Love 'em.  Makes me realize I need to get back on the daggers I've got on the puke of started blades.   Can I ask,  do you use jigs or do you do most of your grinding  and sanding by hand?

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Since you asked..I don't use any jigs or mechanical set ups or anything like that...all done  "free hand"..just takes a bit of practice..that's all that it needs really..Once you get the "feel" for it...it's not that hard to do...


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