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I Forge Iron

New brake for homemade power hammer

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After a couple years of use, I broke down and added a brake to the power hammer.

It was just too much of a pain to feather the treadle to get the dies open and line up tooling before letting the tup drop.

Construction is pretty self explanatory by the pics but some basic details:

It's a seesaw type where the spring tension is adjustable to tune how grippy the brake is against the tire. The brake pad itself is a 3" square of smooth steel welded to the arm and the brake is released by a small rod running to the treadle and can be adjusted with a turnbuckle.

And just for clarity's sake, the motor is applied to the wheel with a push rod linkage and the brake is removed by tension, I went with a push rod for the motor because any over-pressure flexes the rod instead of overloading the motor's shaft (though that may not have been an issue but it was simple enough to build)

As of now this is a prototype and the arm itself will likely be replaced with a better fitting (and better looking) forged one in the future if it works out well, and testing so far is promising!


(Also there is a guard in front but it's been removed for clarity)




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