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I Forge Iron

New Bird and Trout

Graham Fredeen

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Its been awhile since I last made any blade related postings, so I thought it would be a good time to finally get to it, that and I just finished up a new one ;)

This is a little bird and trout styled knife that I put the finishing touches on yesterday. The first completed blade done on the KMG. I have a handful of others that I have ground on the KMG and ready for HT. Unfortunately I barely get any time to head out to the shop anymore, thats why my presence as of late has been lacking, and my production rates are seriously slow. I can't stand it, makes life horribly difficult to bear :P .

Blade is forged 5160, full hardening and temper
9.5" overall
4.75" blade (tip to bolster)
Completly flat ground
Brass bolster and pin
Snakewood grip
Tulip wood and black poly spacers

Its got a nice feel in the hand and it is sharp! It would make a trout skin itself ;) .

Anyway, hope you all like it, and as always, comments AND criticisms please.






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Thanks guys.

Lol Don. I suppose it could be yours ;) .

I made this one seriously considering giving it as a gift to an old woodworking friend who gave me a bunch of nice grip woods, including the snakewood and tulip wood used on this blade. I have a couple others in the works that would serve the pourpose equally well. But that is probably where this one is heading, unless someone comes along and just "has to have" this knife :).

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