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I Forge Iron

New here, looking for web site...

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I'm new here and looking for a web site. I was directed here from asking this question on a newsgroup. I recently saw a site that had a lot of nice blacksmithing demos. I think it had a notation that some of the demos were similar, or maybe taken from, Keenjunk, before it went away. I know there is a Keenjunk archive, but that's not the site. The site I'm looking for had a demo of making candle holders from pipe. Does this site sound familar?


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Davydoo, you definetily have the RIGHT site, but what you are looking for is another section of it. Go to http://www.iforgeiron.com/ and scroll down the left side until you come to BLUEPRINTS, click on it and it will take you to another section where the blueprints are archived. You will find several different styles of candle cups made from pipe. There are a least a hundred blueprints there and another hundred more on the contributors section of the site.

There are also 2 live blueprints every Tuesday night at 9 PM Central time that you will like too. They can be accessed from the opening page of http://www.iforgeiron.com/ and scroll down the left side until you come to "Tuesday Nite Blueprints" , and click on it.

Enjoy the site, there is lots of information to glean.

Have fun,


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