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Posted (edited)

What companys make or sell new swage blocks? Are they any good? Ive heard most of the new ones are cast or ductile iron :confused:

Edited by KYBOY
The Saltfork group in Oklahoma sales a nice block with the forms you described. Here is the link to the tailgate page; Saltfork Craftsmen

I like that pretty well..I just saw where a couple members had those from looking in the archives..Thats just about the best price Ive seen anywhere too...

I bought mine a few years back and have enjoyed it. Don't use it a bunch but it sure comes in handy when I do need it. You will need to do some finish dressing on it as it is "as cast" when you get it. You just need a good 4" grinder and then use sanding disc.


[email protected] is the sales guy at this company. They cast the Euroanvils and doa couple of sizes of swage block and also a stand for the blocks. Their current prices are (in euros):
80 Kg (176#) 627
60 Kg (132#) 431

That includes tax but obviously not carriage. I don't have a current price for the swage block stands.

Following Lehman Brothers' debacle I expect the US Rouble will be in free fall again against the Euro so you need to check the current rate. I also know there is a price rise in the pipeline largely because the Czech currency is surprisingly firm against both the Euro and the US Rouble.

Posted (edited)

I've used my Salt Fork block almost daily since I got it. Best money I spent in ages.

Edited by Finnr
I can't spell!

That swage that's only 105$ is pretty economical.. but I wonder as to the quality. I can't see blowing 500$+ on a swage unless I really thought I was going to use it. But maybe some really would use it a great deal. Personally I just want the dishing forms.


The Saltfork Block is good quality and the savings is in you having to clean it up. It can be kinda lengthy. They are cast in USA to our specifications.


i have one from saltfork. haven't used it much, but it's definitely worth the money, in terms of quality. like others have said, you will need to clean it up. it comes a little rough on the surfaces.


Dishing forms without blocks that I own/use but didn't pay more than scrap metal price for:


Bottoms of scrapped high pressure gas tanks, O2, N2, Argon, etc

lifting rings and tow rings---some will need to have the collar at the base of the ring ground flat to the face so they will sit flat

Punchouts from *large* Heavy steel---I have some punchouts for 1/2" plate about 6" in dia that make a great dishing form.

Finally the top of a large valve lifter---about 3" in diameter.


Greene and Mengel also make a nice block which I have, they are usually at Quadstate, and they also make a cone mandrel, My block need very little clean up to be useful, and I did little more than knock the edges down with a flapper disc on a right angle grinder and not much at that, and have used it a bunch. Though I would like to clean it up more (some where in my copious freetime;-) To be honest though I use the dishing forms very little, I do use the swages around the edge as dishing forms quite a bit;-) table legs, spear sockets, handles on forks that kind of thing... I also use the swages on candle cups, quite handy to have around. Swages and cone madrels are limited use tools, their only good for a few things, but for those few things they are practically essential;-)


Ive lived my entire life with tools of one kind or another..Made my living or part of my living with tools for most of my life as well...I learned a long time ago its a lot better to have a tool and not need it than it is to need a tool and not have it...;) Swages seem to be one of those tools like a gearpuller...You dont need them often but when yoy do you cant do it without them...

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