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I Forge Iron

Hello from Pender Island BC


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Hello! I've been muddling along for almost 2 years out in the Salish Sea, with the help of a lot of YouTube and ignorant optimism. It is certainly time for a bit more mentorship.

I'm an experienced shop rat and woodwork/robotics teacher in junior high. I've started selling the usual hooks and fire pokers in a desperate attempt to pay for propane, while staying within my skills.

The current setup, using a borrowed aircraft hangar through the fire season, is a 20kg acciao, teensy single burner propane forge, machinist vise on a stump, and whatever tools I can make.

I'm hoping to find other local smiths,  maybe arrange a meet-up,  and glean as much as I can from this lovely forum.



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Welcome aboard from 7500' (2286 meters) in SE Wyoming.  Glad to have you.

You will probably want to make contact with Swedefiddle who is on Vancouver Island.  His posting here is intermitent but you can probably find a post of his, particularly regarding propane forges, and private message him.

If you have not already done so, peruse the "Read This First" link.  This is a pretty far ranging foum with folk from early teens to 80s in age, grass green newbies to masters in blacksmithing experience, education from drop outs to advanced degrees, and just about any other variation you can think of.  Just stay away from sex, politics, and religion and keep you language suitable for a little girl and you will fit right iin.

Re Youtube videos:  I like Black Bear Forge, JPL Services (our own Jennifer), Torbjorn Ahman from Sweden, and Christ Centered Ironworks.  Some folk like Alec Steele but I find his presentation kind of annoying.  There are also some really bad smithing videos out there which can be downright dangerous.

"By hammer and hand all arts do stand."

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Welcome from the Ozark Mountains.

We won't remember Pender Island once leaving this thread, hence the suggestion to add it in your profile, that way we won't dun ya every time an answer requires knowing where you are located.

I can't control the wind, all I can do is adjust my sails.

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Good Morning Bryce,

We are just a hop/skip and a jump from you, Victoria and Luxton Fairgrounds. Vancouver Island Blacksmiths Association.

I also have close friends who live near the Magic Lake area(?) Let me know, I can bring some trinkets to the Island, from the other Island. Have some fun making smoke and noise, maybe turn out something useable.

PM me if you wish to connect.


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Thanks all! I've fixed my profile, read the newb posts, and am learning to navigate and find people. 

Strangely enough, I just found the only other active smith on Pender yesterday while flogging hooks at the market... I'll get her on this site to share the fun.


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