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I Forge Iron

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Hello All,

I came across this forum when i got an anvil, from the mrs family home in NYC, it was her fathers and wanted to learn about the anvil itself and how to properly clean it up.

this post here :  

 After getting the information i was looking for it was suggested that i could start this as a hobby i if wanted.  So after watching 100s of YouTube videos, i have decided to give it a go.

I am 52 yrs old, carpenter by trade and  live in the Philly suburbs. I googled blacksmithing classes nothing came up within an hours drive so ill keep looking for that. I have a garage and a yard and 8x10 stick framed shed any of which i can eventually convert into a suitable work space if i decide i enjoy, can do, or any combination of blacksmithing. I have some hand tools i can use to start out with that wont be ideal but will be suitable to give it a go. I will be making an anvil stand out of lumber, that wont be a problem. When it comes to forges, i have seen the box of dirt, charcoal grill conversion, a bolt together DIY gas forge and the amazon gas forge. All these options at least for me will cost nearly the same amount to make and or purchase. (75-125 bucks). i am leaning towards just buying the on line one just for ease of build  and worse case resale or gifting it to someone if i dont enjoy/cant do this.

If there are any must read posts or videos i should watch i would appreciate the links. If anyone started out like me and have dos and donts that would also be appreciated. i dont plan on making this a business or a side business or anything like that unless of course i turn out to be amazing at it (sarcasm).

Well i guess thats all for now, ill go back to my videos and brows the forum.

Thanks in advance, hope to get to know more about this trade and the people in it.

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Welcome aboard, Board. Welcome to the madness. Forging was my mid- life crisis. What part of Philly burbs? I'm in Upper Bucks- Quakertown. If you're in the area, you are welcome anytime. I spent the first 60 years of my life in Delco, in Glen Mills before moving up here.


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Nothing better than attending an in-person class to get you off the ground and running.  In your shoes I would be looking for a class at Peter's Valley (not too far away in Jersey), or at one of the other schools listed on this site:  https://workingtheflame.com/blacksmithing-classes-pennsylvania/

Local ABANA groups may also be able to help you out:  https://pabasite.org/

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Thanks guys,

23 minutes ago, Stash said:

Welcome aboard, Board. Welcome to the madness. Forging was my mid- life crisis. What part of Philly burbs? I'm in Upper Bucks- Quakertown. If you're in the area, you are welcome anytime. I spent the first 60 years of my life in Delco, in Glen Mills before moving up here.


I am in Lower Bucks Exit 315 on the PA Turnpike


21 minutes ago, Latticino said:

Nothing better than attending an in-person class to get you off the ground and running.  In your shoes I would be looking for a class at Peter's Valley (not too far away in Jersey), or at one of the other schools listed on this site:  https://workingtheflame.com/blacksmithing-classes-pennsylvania/

Local ABANA groups may also be able to help you out:  https://pabasite.org/

Thanks i will look into it much appreciated

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