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I Forge Iron

Anvil type

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Welcome aboard from 7500' in SE Wyoming.  Glad to have you.

First, anvil prices can vary widely from region to region and country to country.  This is a world wide forum and we don't know if you are in Ohio, Tasmania, or Peru.  Please put your general location in your profile so that we can give you a better answer.

Assuming you are in the USA, used anvils can run from about $2 to $5 per pound.  New anvils can run from about $4 to $6+ per pound.  Used anvils will vary widely depending on their condition.  If you drop a ball bearing from about 10" onto an anvil and it bounces back to about 9" you have a very good anvil. 70-80% rebound is pretty good.  Anything less than 50% is bad.  There should be a uniform ring all across the surface when lightly struck with a hammer.

You anvil does appear to havbe some damage in that the edges appear to be chipped.  This is not a really serious and can be worked around but it will decrease the fair market value.

DO NOT try to "repair" your anvil by grinding or welding.  Repairing an anvil is a difficult and expensive thing to do.  Rust removal with a wire brush or wheel is OK but that is about it.

The biggest single fact that you did not include is the weight of the anvil.  That is the first thing any smith interested in it will want to know.

"By hammer and hand all arts do stand."

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Oops, sorry.  I missed the 150# in the first post.  I would guesstimate that fair market value would be about $350-$500 but that would depend on the local market.  Generally, there are more available anvils in the eastern US than in the west and, thus, the prices are a bit cheaper.  Maybe some of out SE USA folk can give a better estimate.


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