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I Forge Iron

Ridgidized Chile forge question

arm and hammer

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The floor of the Chile forge I received doesn’t seem to have rigidizer on it, but the walls/ceiling of the forge do. 

Since the ceramic floor tile goes over the floor, covering the exposed wool, do I still need to rigidize that part? So far, everyone has told me I’m good to go but I don’t exactly understand why and want to be sure before I destroy my lungs. 

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3 hours ago, arm and hammer said:

Since the ceramic floor tile goes over the floor, covering the exposed wool, do I still need to rigidize that part?

Well, if the "floor tile" is a high alumina kiln shelf, I would still put a layer of Kast-O-lite 30 between it and the ceramic wool. If the walls and ceiling of the forge should be ceramic wool board; I would just coat that with two or three layers of Plistix. But, if that  "floor tile" is ceramic wool board, the Kast-O-lite 30 should go on top of it, and than two or three layers of Plistix over that.

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