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This is the ink stamp. I didn't know my wife had it until Twisted commented on it:o. Now everyone knows how much mail I prepare to send out, I just drop it in the mail box for her when I check our incoming box.

By the way, she was very impressed with your wax seal Billy, I wont be surprised if one shows up in the mail at our house.


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Just received a real post card from the Mayor of Peavine Oklahoma. A picture of a super cell storm with 2 tornado's dropping out of it. Really beautiful in a scary way. Spring time in the Midwest & Ozarks is always interesting and a little scary Lots of rain, lightening, strong winds but we are doing fine. Just batten down the hatches and ride out the frequent storms.

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15 hours ago, Irondragon ForgeClay Works said:

Just received a real post card

I’m glad the post card made it Randy!
I got a bunch of different ones from when I visited Sequoyah’s cabin, and I wasn’t exactly sure how to address them because I’d never sent a postcard before, 


you forgot having the grill cooking a. Drinkin beer while ya watch the storm!

Or maybe thats just me…B)

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We don't have a porch but during the last thunder storm, I was outside under the eave smoking (never smoke in the house) watching it roll in with the lightening display. A bolt of lightening hit so close to the house out in the woods the instantaneous clap of very loud thunder rattled the windows, convinced Axle and I to retreat into the house (I was finished smoking anyway).:o

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I've only had a few that sent me to the basement. So often we get sirens just because a tornado was spotted in the county. Our county is huge. So I check to see where, which way it's heading, and hang out in the living room where it's comfy, lol

Twice in the past decade I've gone to the basement because I felt the pressure change inside and the storm stilled. The most recent time, the basement door was hard to open, felt like something was pulling from the other side. I definitely wanted to be in the basement for that one. 

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4 hours ago, Irondragon ForgeClay Works said:

A bolt of lightening hit so close to the house out in the woods the instantaneous clap of very loud thunder rattled the windows, convinced Axle and I to retreat into the house

one time me and some friends were messing around on the baseball Dimond and we had a strike that hit close enough to stand your hair on end.

last year I was pressure washing a piece of equipment during a rain shower when we had a lightning strike that I am certain was under 1 km away, the silo they stored the cement powder was pouring dust through the vents because of the shock wave, way too close for comfort


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Closest strike I’ve seen was about 15 feet away, it’s been a few years back,

one morning I was sipping coffee on my front porch it was dark outside about 5am in November before I went to work and it was boomin pretty good, and I was just watching the storm when a bolt hit the transformer across the highway and directly after that a bolt stuck the tulip poplar tree in my front yard 15 feet from me, the flash was so bright I was disoriented for a minute trying to find the front door,

when I came home from work that afternoon and went to inspect the damage in the light I found bark and splintered wood over 100 feet away from that tree in a couple directions, 

I was afraid we were gonna have to cut it down but come spring it budded out and tear after year has been slowly sealing itself back up

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About 25 years ago, I was changing a basement electrical panel when (I found out later) lightning struck the pole transformer outside.  Even though the conductors were not connected to the panel, the neutral and ground were, I was thrown across the room into the other electrician I was working with.  I was still dazed 20 minutes or so later.

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My neighbor's tree was struck by lightning a few years back and split from crown to root. My son happened to be standing at the window and saw it all.

My worst electric shock was getting zapped by a 5,000V sheep fence. Fortunately, it was a short pulse, but it still twisted me around like a scarecrow in a high wind.

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I’ve been zapped by the welders a time or two on really humid days, 

the worst shock I ever had was when I was working on a customers big side load washer and didn’t double check that they had unplugged it when they pulled it out from the wall… my stupid fault…

 had my arm way up in there an found the leak… unfortunately I also found the capacitor at the same time, I jerked back an sliced my arm up pretty bad on all the sheet metal, 

I thought the customer was gonna pass out when they seen all the blood

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Heh, heh - try welding under water! We would wear rubber gloves and try to keep the ground on the far side of the weld. The dive-tender had a knife switch, and every time I called for him to "make it hot" I'm convinced I lost some fillings from my teeth. Probably plated the inside of my bronze hat.  My brother (passed on ~5 years ago) once told how he had hold on a crane line when lightning hit the boom. He said it would have knocked him down except that his boot nails welded themselves to the barge's steel deck. 

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We almost never get lightning here but maybe 5 years ago we got a week of serious lightning storms. One bolt hit a tree maybe 40' from the house while Deb and I were looking out the close window. We felt the charge build for a split second, then buzz, FLASH/CRACK and a house shaking WHAM!. The neighbors heard the thunder but not us, just a loud explosion. 

If on the other hand you like lightning and thunder there are places like side canyons off Hatcher's Pass where they occur daily, often in winter though not many folks run the side canyons in winter, it's severe avalanche country.

Frosty The Lucky.

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On 3/10/2023 at 4:45 PM, ThomasPowers said:

get to press my nose to the window and pant...

You got better weather out there anyways! We keep jumping from 20F to 75F and back again!

On 3/11/2023 at 5:34 PM, Frosty said:

almost never get lightning here

I live in a valley between Swepston hill an Barron hill, and the thunder, boomin, flashin, ground shakin, window rattlin, storms make for one heck of a show! 
big thing is hopefully there ain’t no wind what comes with it!!!

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