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I Forge Iron

Trenton anvil age

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Hello, all.

Im wondering if someone might be so kind as to look up and tell me the age of my Trenton anvil marked D (maybe?)102  A42076. I currently can’t afford a copy of AIA. I’m only an amateur metal worker, but I’ve had this and loved it for years, and make use of it whenever I can find the time. My son recently asked me some questions about it and I realized I know nothing aside from where and how I acquired it. I’m working on figuring out how to upload pics as well as it’s in pretty good condition and I’m sure some of you out there would appreciate seeing its beauty. But I’m not the most tech savvy guy. Thanks for your help!


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Welcome aboard from 7500' in SE Wyoming.  Glad to have you.

If someone doesn't respond, yu can go to your local library and borrow Anvils In America through Inter Library Loan.  

BTW, if you put your general location in your profile we can give you better answers.  Many responses are geography dependant.  We don't know if you are in Lapland or Tierra de Fuego.

"By hammer and hand all arts do stand."

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Well it depends on which system your Library subscribes to.  Ours has 90+ other libraries in it including several university ones.  (Speaking of which my local University has borrowing cards for people living in this county---got mine the day I turned in my employee card!)

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