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I Forge Iron

Forge making question


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So I saw this video on making a charcoal forge 


and I know that plaster of Paris and sand sucks as refractory but could I do a similar design only slightly larger with clay ?

and if not what are some other refractories that could be used 

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Well I've seen several made from cast iron skillets. Size is the main weight factor.  A wok can be used too.  Commercial forges didn't line their cast iron firepots, just their cast iron forge beds.  I've forged out of a hole/trench in the ground, on the side of a large campfire, made one from a brake drum, etc and so on.  Been forging 41 years now and NEVER used Plaster of Paris!

Have you looked up the Lively washtub forge designed for charcoal and used by a lot of the old Neo-Tribal metalsmiths movement?

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I don’t think anyone ever said the box had to be large… experiment with it and see what will work for you. Maybe a 3gal metal bucket lined with clay and sand with the air blast from the side you can remove easily. Drop it into a round hole of a custom folding table from pallet wood and stick in the air blast from below the table. Sounds pretty portable. (May want a piece of sheet metal on the table surface…)

Just try something, but think about what could go wrong…


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